20 stycznia, 2025

Polish-Jewish Studies – a new periodical launched by the Polish Institute of National Remembrance


The Polish Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) launches a new periodical called “Polish-Jewish Studies”. It will be a yearbook issued in the English and Polish language. Editorial duties of the chairman of the body will be performed by dr hab. Grzegorz Berendt, prof. UG (University of Gdańsk/Museum of the Second World War). Moreover, the editorial office includes:  dr Tomasz Domański (Institute of National Remembrance, Kraków – deputy chairman), dr Alicja Gontarek (Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin/Institute of National Remembrance – secretary), dr hab. Sebastian Piątkowski (Institute of National Remembrance, Lublin – secretary), dr hab. Elżbieta Rączy, prof. UR (University of Rzeszów/Institute of National Remembrance, Rzeszów), dr Wojciech Wichert (Institute of National Remembrance, Szczecin), dr Mateusz Szpytma (Institute of National Remembrance).

We wish that „Polish-Jewish Studies” would gather a wide range of researchers from different humane and social disciplines interested in the 20th century period, for whom a common denominator will be the Polish and Jewish context.

The main theme of the first issue will be Polish-Jewish relations during the Second World War.

All detailed information can be found below.


About the journal

“Polish-Jewish Studies” is an annual, peer-reviewed journal devoted to publishing scholarly work, in English and Polish, on all aspects of the Polish-Jewish experience in the 20th century. We wish that “Polish-Jewish Studies” would gather a wide range of researchers from different humane and social disciplines interested in that period, for whom a common denominator will be the Polish and Jewish context.

Editorial board

The editor-in-chief: dr hab. Grzegorz Berendt, prof. UG (University of Gdańsk/ Museum of the Second World War)
The deputy editor-in-chief: dr Tomasz Domański (Institute of National Remembrance – Kraków)
Secretary: dr Alicja Gontarek (Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin/Institute of National Remembrance)
Secretary: dr hab. Sebastian Piątkowski (Institute of National Remembrance – Lublin)
Member: dr hab. Elżbieta Rączy, prof. UR (University of Rzeszów/Institute of National Remembrance – Rzeszów)
Member: dr Wojciech Wichert (Institute of National Remembrance – Szczecin)
Member: dr Mateusz Szpytma (Institute of National Remembrance)

Consulting Editors

prof. Marek Jan Chodakiewicz (The Institute of World Politics)
ks. dr hab. Przemysław Kantyka, prof. KUL (The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin)
dr hab. Bogdan Musiał (Institute of National Remembrance)
prof. John Radzilowski (University of Alaska)
dr hab. Przemysław Różański, prof. UG (University of Gdańsk)
prof. Peter Stachura (University of Stirling, emeritus)
dr hab. Mirosław Szumiło (Institute of National Remembrance/Maria Curie-Sklodowska University)
prof. dr hab. Stanisław Wiech (Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce)


Dr Alicja Gontarek
Mob. 698 992 301

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