The Unknown Gulag: The Lost World of Stalin’s Special Settlements, by Lynne Viola. 2007. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York “Nazis Exterminated Peoples (Jews): Communists...
Przywracanie Pamieci: Stowarzyszenie Upamietniania Ofiar Zbrodni Ukrainskich Nacjonalistow w latach 1990-2018, by Szczepan Siekerka and Michal Siekierka. 2019. Wroclaw SUOZUN: Organized Remembrance of the Ukrainian...
The Forgers, by Roger Moorhouse. 2023. Basic Books, New York Move Over, Schindler. Aleksander Lados the Invisible Pole Did Far More for Jews Than You...
Restitution as a Remedy for Refugee Property Claims in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. FLORIDA JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 19(2), Article 2: 422-490 by Michael Kagan. 2007...
Jedwabne. Historia Prawdziwa. Volume I and II. By Tomasz Sommer, Marek Jan Chodakiewicz, and Ewa Stankiewicz. 2021 Reviewed by Jan Peczkis JEDWABNE: THE REAL HISTORY,...