Ravensbrück, by Germaine Tillion. 1975. Anchor Press/Doubleday, New York The author was a French inmate of the Ravensbruck Nazi German concentration camp. She describes events...
The German War: A Nation Under Arms, 1939-1945, by Nicholas Stargardt. 2015. Basic Books, New York The Warsaw Uprising (1944) Earns German Praise The author...
Final Solutions: Mass Killing and Genocide in the Twentieth Century, by Benjamin A. Valentino. 2004. Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London This exceptional book is...
Uprooted: How Breslau Became Wroclaw During the Century of Expulsions, by Gregor Thum. 2011. Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford Post-German Property Just Like Post-Jewish...
Dachau 1933-1945: The Official History, by Paul Berben. 1971. Norfolk Press, London Dachau Comparative Victimhood: Jews Did Not Have It the Worst. Nazism Was anti-Christian...
Ludobojstwo Dokonane Przez Nacjonalistow Ukrainskich Na Polakach W Wojewodztwie Lwowskim 1939-1947, by Szczepan Siekierka, Henryk Komanski, and Krzysztof Bulzacki. 2006. Wroclaw Lwow Voivodship: OUN-UPA Genocide...
• In the late 19th century, Russian-ruled Polish territories had been colonized by Litvaks—Jews that were variously Russified, indifferent to Poland, and radicalized—to a much...
Nazi Billionaires: The Dark History of Germany’s Wealthiest Dynasties, by David De Jong. 2022. Mariner Books, New York, Boston German Industrialist Unrepentance: German Corporations Dodge...
Anti-Semitism Without Jews: Communist Eastern Europe, by Paul Lendvai. 1971. Doubleday & Company, New York Although the events of March 1968 occurred more than 50...
Gulag: A History, by Anne Applebaum. 2003. Doubleday, New York, London This book, written by a Jewish author, has won several awards, including the Pulitzer...