Unlike Polish attitudes toward Jews, about which there is an extensive and growing literature, the issue of Jewish attitudes toward Poles is a much neglected...
Arthur Bliss Lane was a hugely experienced American Diplomat, having worked all over the world before his posting to the Polish Government in 1944. The...
Churchill, Pius XII, Roosevelt i wpływowi amerykańscy Żydzi są współwinni Holocaustu. Usłyszeli od Jana Karskiego o zagładzie Żydów i nie zrobili nic – mówi Sławomir...
History has never been George Will’s forte – baseball – maybe? He had to cheat when coaching a presidential candidate, Ronald Reagan, by resorting to...
Below we have scans from “Nazi Soviet Relations, 1939-1941”, outlining the Treaty of Nonaggression Between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, including a...
Daniel Jonah Goldhagen writes about Germany during the Holocaust: Germans’ antisemitic beliefs about Jews were the central causal agent of the Holocaust. They were the...