Operacja Antypolska NKWD 1937-1938, by Tomasz Sommer. 2014. 3S Media, Warszawa Genocide of Soviet Poles. The Definitive Work on the Communist Genocide Soviet Poles During the Great...
The Red Army’s Lublin-Brest Offensive and Advance on Warsaw (18 July-30 September 1944): An Overview and Documentary Survey, by David M. Glantz. 2006. JOURNAL OF...
Ludobojstwo Dokonane Przez Nacjonalistow Ukrainskich Na Polakach W Wojewodztwie Stanislawowskim 1939-1946, by Szczepan Siekierka, Henryk Komanski, and Eugeniusz Rozanski. 2008. Wroclaw The Istriebitielne Bataliony: A...
Polish Poetry From the Gulags, edited by Halina Ablamowicz and Marek Jan Chodakiewicz. 2008. Edwin Mellen Press, Lewison This book has many moving poems written...
The Unknown Gulag: The Lost World of Stalin’s Special Settlements, by Lynne Viola. 2007. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York “Nazis Exterminated Peoples (Jews): Communists...
Without Jewish revolutionaries keeping early revolutionary movements alive and vibrant, Communism in Russia would have early died out (Haberer 2004). From the beginning, Communism...
“Few Jews Were Communists” because “Communist Parties were small” is doubly disingenuous. Communist Parties were small because they were usually illegal (Schatz 1991). Moreover,...
The “Jewish Communists were not real Jews” Zydokomuna denialism is laughable. What were they? Martians? It is not even self-consistent. A Jew deemed apostate...
The Contested Symbolism of the “Cursed Soldiers”: Hegemony, Memory, and the Politics of Fear in Poland, by Krzysztof Jaskulowski and Piotr Majewski. 2024. HISTORY &...