On August 14, Polish President Andrzej Duda signed into law a bill which addresses appropriations done by the communist government that ruled Poland from...
Przestepstwa Okupacyjne W Polskim Prawie Karnym z Lat 1944-1956 Occupational Offenses in The Polish Penal Law in The Years 1944-1956 by Andrzej Pasek. 2002...
Granatowa w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie w Latach 1939-1945 The Blue Police in the General Government in the years 1939-1945 by Tomasz Domanski and Edyta Majcher-Ociosy (eds.),...
Polmrok: procesy karne w sprawie przestepstw okupacyjnych przez chlopow wobec Zydow w wojewodztwie krakowskim. Dusk: Judicial punishments for peasant misconduct against Jews, during the occupation...