During the German occupation, Stanisław and Franciszka Kurpiel lived with their six children in the Leoncin farm near Krasiczyn (Podkarpackie Province). In 1942, the Germans...
Żegota By Edward Reid “When faced with crimes, one cannot remain passive. Whoever remains silent in the face of murder, becomes an accomplice to the...
When the Soviet Red Army liberated Auschwitz-Birkenau in January 1945, about 4,800 prisoners remained in the camp, all of whom were in a near-death state...
The Henneicke Column was a group of Dutch Nazi collaborators working in the investigative division of the Central Bureau for Jewish Emigration (Zentralstelle für jüdische...
Soviet Repression in Central Asia and Siberia: Recent Works in English Reviewed by John Radzilowski Michael K. Jerryson. Mongolian Buddhism: The Rise and Fall of...
Narodowe Sily Zbrojne: Kulisy Walki Podziemnej 1939-1945 by Jerzy Pilacinski “Lech”. 1976 Reviewed by Jan Peczkis NATIONAL ARMED FORCES: THE BACKSTAGE OF THE UNDERGROUND COMBAT...