Book Reviews Jewish ExperienceMassive Corruption of the Kahals (Jewish Self-Government)PoloniaFebruary 20, 2021January 13, 2024 by PoloniaFebruary 20, 2021January 13, 202401850 A Russian Jew and a Pole Expose the Massive Corruption of the Kahals (Jewish Self-Government). Zydzi i Kahaly by Jacob Brafmann and Teodor...
Current IssuesPress conference on the Leszczynska vs Grabowski and Engelking casePoloniaFebruary 19, 2021 by PoloniaFebruary 19, 202101358 Press conference on the Leszczynska vs Grabowski and Engelking case. Press conference by attorney Monika Brzozowska Pasieka and attorney Jerzy Pasieka on the case...
Current IssuesTwo Holocaust historians ordered to apologize for inaccuracies in their bookPoloniaFebruary 19, 2021 by PoloniaFebruary 19, 202101268 Two Holocaust historians ordered to apologize for inaccuracies in their book. A court in Warsaw ruled on February 9 that two Holocaust...
Current IssuesInstitute of National Remembrance press release on Andrew Higgins’ story published in New York TimesPoloniaFebruary 11, 2021February 12, 2021 by PoloniaFebruary 11, 2021February 12, 202101191 A press release on Andrew Higgins’ story, published by “The New York Times” on 8 February. The IPN is the institution that for years...