January 20, 2025
Book Reviews Current Issues Polish/Jewish Relations

Widely-Disseminated MAUS Classroom Lie About Poles Using the Heil Hitler! Salute–Exposed

The Black Book of Poland,

by Polish Ministry of Information. 1942. G. P. Putnam’s Sons,

This sad book packs a great deal of information on the horrors that faced both Poles and Jews under the German occupation. It also inadvertently addresses some of the Judeocentric falsehoods in current Holocaust-related thinking. For example:


In MAUS, the highly acclaimed Art Spiegelman teaches outright lies to millions of unsuspecting schoolchildren. This includes the mendacity about Poles using the stiff-arm salute. It is a rather transparent attempt to put Poles and Nazi Germans on the same side and is part of the Holocaust establishment’s drift that increasingly blames Poles for Nazi German crimes against Jews.

Back to reality. Even in the very unlikely instance that there was any ethnic Pole so inclined, the Germans forbade the Poles from ever giving the Heil Hitler salute, even as an act of submission. In German-occupied Torun, the chief of the German police gave this order, while publishing a set of regulations for Poles. These were included in the local newspaper, the Thorner Freiheit (October 27, 1939):

“The Poles are forbidden to employ the German form of greeting by raising the right hand and crying Heil Hitler.” (p. 422).

Another German order was applicable to large parts of German-occupied northwest Poland. (pp. 423-424). Poles were required to salute the Germans, but only in this way, “…by removing their head covering, or, if their head is uncovered, by bowing their heads.” (p. 424). Once again, Poles were banned from using the stiff-armed salute, “The use of the German form of greeting is strictly forbidden to all Poles.” (p. 424).

In yet another context, eyewitness Miss Baker-Beall commented, “Fortunately the military governor of the town issued a decree that Poles were not fit to give the Nazi salute or to sing the German national anthem and folk-songs, so they were spared that humiliation, which the German teachers were already trying to force upon them.” (p. 137). So, ironically, any Pole doing the Heil Hitler! salute would only be humiliating himself.

Now more than ever, MAUS and its propagandizing of unsuspecting children should be thrown out of the classroom. Will justice ever be done?


Media-touted Holocaust “scholars”, working in the usual Judeocentric contextual vacuum, regularly accuse Polish villagers of eagerly turning-in Jews out of (what else?) anti-Semitism and “complicity in the Holocaust”. This book, while not discussing this specific issue, makes it crystal-clear that Polish villagers operated in an atmosphere of German terror that inevitably generated anticipatory obedience to German orders, and certainly not only those orders that involved Jews. The draconian German policies, which included the use of hostages, began long before the start of the German-made Holocaust. The Polish Ministry writes:

“Throughout the ‘Government General’ incredible acts of violence are committed as the result of failure to supply the assigned contingents of grain, etc., in the requisite amount by the appointed date. The repressions are of the most varied character, such as the arrest of persons made responsible for the supply of quotas and persons indirectly regarded as responsible. (This responsibility is imposed on priests, teachers, heads of villages, and also the more affluent farmers.)[Hostages]. Other methods are the requisition of cattle and foodstocks, house searches, which are invariably accompanied by pillage, and mass floggings and tortures. Special punitive expeditions are also sent to deal with entire districts. There are also known cases of collective floggings, such as took place in the early autumn in one of the districts on the river Liwiec, where a special Selbstschutz detachment assembled all the men from five villages, stripped them naked, and beat them with sticks and rifle butts. In connection with the official prohibition of grinding of flour the peasants’ grain is being confiscated.” (p. 91).

For more on the inevitable anticipatory obedience, notably among rural Poles, to German orders, see:



Nowadays, Jews are portrayed as either the only victims or the only victims of importance. This was far from the case. In no sense did the Nazis consistently treat Jews worse than Poles. There was a confidential circular that came to light in March 1940, written by the propaganda service of the Third Reich, Kleiner Press-Informations-Dienst. It carried instructions for the German newspapers. In it, Goebbels gives the following order, “Similarly, it must be suggested to the reader that Gypsies, Jews and Poles ought to be treated on the same level. This is the more important since there is no doubt that for a long time we shall be obliged to employ Poles as agricultural laborers in Germany.” (pp. 433-434).

The equality of Poles and Jews as victims came up in many other contexts, even with Poles and Jews mentioned by the Nazis in the same sentence! For instance:

“The order: ‘Entrance forbidden to Poles, Jews, and dogs’ has been posted on the doors of numerous offices, hotels and restaurants in Poznan and in many other Polish cities of the ‘incorporated’ areas.” (p. 425).

Now consider the similar degradations of certain Poles and the Jews in Nazi German concentration camps, “In many of them the prisoners are forced to clean out the latrines and remove the excrement with their bare hands. This is one of the Germans’ favorite ways of tormenting the Catholic clergy and the Jews.” (p. 85).

MAUS Classroom Lie About Poles Using the HEIL HITLER! SALUTE Debunked. German Terror Drove Betrayals of Jews. Polish Ministry of Information

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