January 20, 2025
Current Issues Poles Under Communism

Detailed Bulletin: The Zydokomuna: Its Scope, Its Power, and Its Criminality


  • Without Jewish revolutionaries keeping early revolutionary movements alive and vibrant, Communism in Russia would have early died out (Haberer 2004).
  • From the beginning, Communism was a Jewish collective project. Sloin (2017) writes, “Most critically, the party’s [Socialist Bund’s] embrace of Yiddish as its principal language of activism allowed it to mobilize the broad, but previously isolated, Jewish popular classes into a sizable, active, revolutionary constituency.”
  • Lenin’s Jewish willing executioners, Sverdlov, Goleshchekin, and ringleader Yurovsky, murdered Tsar Nicholas II and his family (Slezkine 2006).
  • Violence begats violence. By engaging in an amoral, violent movement (Communism), Jews lost their moral high ground of being a nonviolent people and opened themselves up to retaliatory violence (such as the large pogroms that followed the Russian Revolution: Veidlinger 2021).
  • By aiding and abetting a movement (Communism) that demonized and targeted an entire identifiable group of human beings (the bourgeosie: Geyer 2009; Joachim Fest in Knowlton 1993; Rees 2012), Jews set a precedent for being demonized and targeted as a group, as happened during the Holocaust.
  • In December 1917, 5 of the 21 members of the Soviet Central Committee were Jews, and Sachar (2006) commented, “Never before had so many Jews served in any European cabinet.” The Jews had gotten their power and privilege.
  • The high profile of Jewish Communists, in the new Soviet government, naturally and inevitably connected Jews to Communism (Frankel 2012).
  • Zydokomuna denialists stress that Jews never formed a majority in Communism. So what? What counts the most is the quality (not quantity) of Jewish revolutionaries, their superior ability to influence others, and the overabundance of Jews in powerful positions. Each is elaborated below.
  • Zydokomuna denialists also argue that it is impossible that “so few” Jews in top positions could possibly have ruled over so many Russians. Nonsense. In colonial India, 1,500 Anglo-Indian civil servants were the masters of hundreds of millions of people of India (Fahey 1938, p. 29).
  • The “few Jewish Communists” argument also overlooks the crypto-Jews. For example, most high-level Jewish Communists identified as Great Russians and not as Jews (Rapoport 1990, p. 30; Zeltser 2004, p. 75). But they were Jews just the same (Pinkus 1990).
  • Most significant of all, the “few Jewish Communists” argument ignores the fact that Jewish influence is transformative of gentiles. For example, the Jewish intelligentsia at Russian universities infected many Russian intellectuals with a pro-Communist mindset (Solzhenitsyn 2017, p. 98).
  • Furthermore, in terms of revolutionary activity, Vladimir Lenin became a “Jewified gentile” (Lindemann 2001, pp. 432-433). Likewise, the Pole Feliks Dzierzynski and the Russian Mikhail Kalinin became “more Jewish than the Jews” (Lindemann 2001, p. 433, pp. 442-446; Leggett 1981, pp. 23-25). In addition, many goyish Communists had Jewish wives.
  • We can thus go as far as picturing a Judeocracy that consisted of Jews and a larger number of Judeo-compliant goyim—all working together as a ruling class.
  • Far from being something exaggerated, the Zydokomuna could have been even larger! Around 75% of the leadership of the Kiev Cheka (early Communist secret police) was already Jewish, and there were policies in force that forbade any additional Jewish leaders therein (Leggett 1981, p. 43).
  • As of 1914, the eve of the Russian Revolution, 80% of the population was illiterate while nearly all Jews were literate (Gitelman 2001, p. 41). By this metric alone, Jewish Communists were five times more significant than their absolute numbers suggest.
  • Zydokomuna denialists argue that most Communists were not Jews, and that many nationalities were involved in revolutionary activities. This disingenuous argument treats all revolutionaries as interchangeable. They were not. As elaborated below, Jewish revolutionaries and Jewish Communists were of a higher caliber (much more effective) than their non-Jewish counterparts.
  • None other than Lenin recognized the irreplaceable high caliber of Jewish revolutionaries and sought more of them. Lenin prized the Jewish revolutionaries for their diligence, and their excellent fundraising, outreach, and propaganda skills (Petrovsky-Shtern 2010; Sloin 2017).
  • Jews were highly intelligent, and this alone gave them a huge advantage, in terms of influence and power, over the run-of-the-mill Slavic Communist. In fact, Jews were the “brains of Communism” (Dukes 1922, pp. 316-317; Fahey 1938, p. 13; Lindemann 2001, p. 429; Solzhenitsyn 2017, p. 129).
  • More Jewish intellectual pursuits: The greatest Jewish role in the Russian Revolution was that of promoting Communist propaganda in the Russian media (Wilton 1918, pp. 173-174). This may have been decisive.
  • More Jewish intellectual pursuits: The political commissars, the main drivers of Communist orthodoxy and “proper” Communist conduct in the Soviet Army, were mainly Jews (Hertz 1988; Spiewak 2012, p. 95; For an eyewitness account, see D’Abernon 1931). Jewish political commissars had the additional privilege of avoiding frontline service (Dukes 1922. p. 228).
  • Jewish intellectual pursuits enabled Jews to dominate the Third International, to edit the Soviet journals, and to direct the promotion of ongoing Communist propaganda (Dukes 1922, p. 283).
  • More Jewish intellectual pursuits: In the Polish Communist Party in 1936, the journalism division was 75% Jewish, and the technical division (print and mass distribution) was over 90% Jewish (Spiewak 2012, p. 153).
  • Top Jewish Communist intellectuals, such as Zinoviev [Apfelbaum], Iaroslavskii, and Gubel’man, took the lead in making Communism anti-God, and in waging war against religion (Husband 1999).
  • “Proletariat” is a social construct (by the Communists), not a state in life (Halfin 2009). Because the Communist elites (including the Jews) were the ones that decided what “proletarian interests” are, they used this as a cover for their totalitarianism. Top Jewish Communist Lazar Kaganovich especially promoted the Machiavellian concept of Bolshevik state power (Rees 2012, p. 275).
  • The highest caliber of Soviet Communists featured the Jews Leon Trotsky and Lazar Kaganovich. Trotsky was probably a genius (Rapoport 1990, p. 15), and without him the Russian Revolution would have failed (Johnson 1989). Kaganovich was a “remarkable administrator” with “extraordinary organizing skills, which included planning mass murder.” (Rapoport 1990, p. 43). He was “a figure of enormous power”, and possible successor to Stalin (Rees 2012, p. 273).
  • The Jew Lazar Kaganovich put his talents to use. He was largely responsible for the genocidal Holodomor (Magocsi 2016).
  • Another highest-caliber Jewish Communist was Genrikh Iagoda. Montefiore (2005, p. 85) writes, “His great achievement, supported by Stalin, was the creation of slave labor and the vast economic empire of the gulags (Soviet concentration camps).”
  • In fact, alongside the intellectual pursuits, Jewish Communists were especially involved in the raw Communist apparatus of repression and terror. At the late date of July 1934, Jews, at about 2% of the Soviet Union’s population, constituted 39% of the top NKVD leaders (Zeltser 2004, p. 71).
  • Katyn Jewish complicity: The highly-influential Jews in Stalin’s inner circle, Lev Mekhlis, Lazar Kaganovich, and possible-Jew Lavrenti Beria, all voted in favor of murdering the Polish officers (Montefiore 2005, pp. 296-297). Once again, Jewish power and privilege bore fruit.
  • Experienced Jewish militants were given privileged positions in the new Soviet-imposed Communist governments of post-WWII Central and Eastern Europe (Brossat 1983). Once again, Jewish Communism expanded Jewish power and privilege.
  • The top 63% of the ZPP (so-called ZWIAZEK PATRIOTOW POLSKICH) Communists, imposed by Stalin on Poland, were Jews (Gradzka-Rejak 2017, p. 342). This was no fluke. Jews, at 0.4% of the population, constituted 34-49% of the leadership of major government institutions (Szumilo 2018, p. 31).
  • In addition, Jews were 34-50% of top Bezpieka (Communist secret police) leadership for many years (Szwagrzyk 2005). To add insult to injury, these Jewish Communist murderers of Poles escaped justice. They were given asylum in Israel, England, and Sweden (Pluzanski 2011).

Source: Jewsandpolesdatabase.org

[All these Bulletins Also in Polish: https://justiceforpolishvictims.org/pl/strona-glowna/]

Brossat. 1983. Revolutionary Yiddishland, p. 267

D’Abernon. 1931. The Eighteenth Decisive Battle of the World: Warsaw, 1920, p. 108, pp. 120-121.

Dukes. 1922. Red Dust and the Morrow, p. 228, 283, 316-317

Fahey. 1938. The Rulers of Russia, p. 13, 29

Frankel. 2012. Dark Times, Dire Decisions, p. 5

Geyer. 2009. Beyond Totalitarianism, p. 279

Gitelman. 2001. A Century of Ambivalence, p. 41

Gradzka-Rejak. 2017. Elity I Przedstawiciele Spolecznosci Zydowskiej Podczas II Wojny Swiatowej, p. 342

Haberer. 2004. Jews and Revolution in Nineteenth Century Russia, p. 257

Halfin. 2009. Stalinist Confessions, p. 373

Husband. 1999. Godless Communists, p. pp. 60-61

Johnson. 1989. A History of the Jews, p. 451

Knowlton. 1993. Forever in the Shadow of Hitler, pp. 64-65

Lindemann. 2001. Esau’s Tears, pp. 432-433, 444-446

Magocsi. 2016, Jews and Ukrainians, pp. 288-289

Montefiore. 2005. Stalin, p. 85, pp. 296-297

Petrovsky-Shtern. 2010. Lenin’s Jewish Question, p. 85, 95

Pinkus. 1990. The Jews of the Soviet Union, pp. 302-303

Pluzanski. 2011. Bestie Mordercy Polakow, pp. 401-403

Rapoport. 1990. Stalin’s War Against the Jews, p. 15, 30. 43

Rees. 2012. Iron Lazar, p. 23, 273, 275

Sachar. 2006. A History of Jews in the Modern World, p. 327

Slezkine. 2006. The Jewish Century, p. 178

Sloin. 2017. The Jewish Revolution in Belorussia, p. 9.

Sofer. 1998. Zionism and the Foundations of Israeli Diplomacy, pp. 74-75

Solzhenitsyn. 2017. The Crucifixion of Russia, p. 98, 129

Szumilo. 2018. “Zydokomuna” w Aparacie Wladzy “Polskiej Ludowej”. PAMIEC I SPRAWIEDLIWOSC 2(32)27-60

Szwagrzyk. 2005. Apparat Bezpieczenstwa w Polsce 1944-1956, p. 59, 61

Veidlinger. 2021. In the Midst of Civilized Europe, p. 5

Wilton. 1918. Russia’s Agony, pp. 173-174

Zeltser. 2004. Jews in the Upper Ranks of the NKVD, 1934-1941. JEWS IN RUSSIA AND EASTERN EUROPE 1(52)64-89.


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