Far from showing “exemplary repentance for Nazism”, as is often said today, the opposite was the case. German repentance, when it occurred, was forced...
Operacja Antypolska NKWD 1937-1938, by Tomasz Sommer. 2014. 3S Media, Warszawa Genocide of Soviet Poles. The Definitive Work on the Communist Genocide Soviet Poles During the Great...
The Red Army’s Lublin-Brest Offensive and Advance on Warsaw (18 July-30 September 1944): An Overview and Documentary Survey, by David M. Glantz. 2006. JOURNAL OF...
Ludobojstwo Dokonane Przez Nacjonalistow Ukrainskich Na Polakach W Wojewodztwie Stanislawowskim 1939-1946, by Szczepan Siekierka, Henryk Komanski, and Eugeniusz Rozanski. 2008. Wroclaw The Istriebitielne Bataliony: A...
Polish Poetry From the Gulags, edited by Halina Ablamowicz and Marek Jan Chodakiewicz. 2008. Edwin Mellen Press, Lewison This book has many moving poems written...
Polokaust and Holocaust Antecedents: To the Germans, Jews were a long-term problem (JUDENFRAGE). So were the Poles (POLENFRAGE)(Butler 1919, p. 85). Impending Polonocide: Hitler considered...
The Unknown Gulag: The Lost World of Stalin’s Special Settlements, by Lynne Viola. 2007. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York “Nazis Exterminated Peoples (Jews): Communists...
Without Jewish revolutionaries keeping early revolutionary movements alive and vibrant, Communism in Russia would have early died out (Haberer 2004). From the beginning, Communism...