January 22, 2025
Book Reviews Polish/Jewish Relations

Another Return to Jedwabne. More Lies Exposed And Condemned


by Wojciech Sumlinski and Tomasz Budzynski. 2021
Reviewed by Jan Peczkis

RETURN TO JEDWABNE 3: IT’S ONLY POLIN, is the title of this blockbuster Polish-language book. It touches on some painful aspects of Polish-Jewish relations.


Boleslaw Szenicer had been in charge of Warsaw’s largest Jewish cemetery for many years, and knows a thing or two about dead Jews. (p. 59). He expressed amazement when he first heard that the original 2001 exhumation of Jedwabne’s Jews had abruptly been halted by the false statements of Rabbi Schudrich. (p. 58). Szenicer does not mince words: He calls Rabbi Michael Schudrich a LIAR for saying that digging up the remains of Jedwabne’s Jews would violate Jewish law. (p. 59). In fact, many Jewish remains had been dug up, in the past, without objection. (p. 130). The Polish government shows weakness on Jedwabne, and sends the message that lies will be rewarded, and that few will notice. (p. 130).

The truth hurts. Schudrich has retaliated, calling Szenicer a MOSER (MOSRIM), that is, traitor to the Jewish people, for telling the truth about the exhumation at Jedwabne. (p. 22, 61, 79, 89-90).

Moreover, there is hypocrisy. At one time, Szenicer owned a Jewish cemetery in the town of Puck. Schudrich bought it from him, turned around, and sold it! (p. 119). Too many Jews seek mammon, not God, (p. 119), and have commonly sold Jewish cemeteries. So much for respect for the Jewish dead. (p. 120). Szenicer has called such Jews hyenas for selling the lands containing the remains of their ancestors. (p. 79).

Unlike the many Jews that have a “Jews can do no wrong” attitude, Szenicer does not. He even said, “We Polish Jews have many rotten apples among us. It is not easy for me to say this.” (p. 47).


A 1997 law has the Polish government “restituting” some old Jewish communal properties (synagogues, prayer houses, mikva (mikveh), cemeteries, etc.) to Poland’s current Jews. Szenicer points out that, rather than maintaining and using these properties, these Jews just promptly sell it. (pp. 81-89, 132-134). Others have noticed the acquisition of financial compensation in lieu of reacquisition of the property. See:


Yet, ironically, Poland gets blamed for not doing “enough” to preserve its Jewish heritage!


This book reprints the 2001 forensic investigation report of Andrzej Kola, among others. (pp. 263-on). Kola found German bullet shells at Jedwabne, including under Lenin’s buried statue. This proves that the German shells must have come from the massacre itself, and not from earlier or later events, as sometimes alleged.


Szenicer has an excellent grasp of the methods of the Holocaust Industry, as does Jerzy Kwasniewski of Ordo Iuris. (p. 143).  It’s all about money. The Jews have made themselves out to be the only real victims of WWII, and Holocaust education has made Jews out to be unique victims. (p. 93, 232). The Nazis have become de-Germanized (p. 103), and Poles have virtually become Nazis. (p. 93). The Jedwabne massacre, as blamed on Poles, has become an important symbol of “Polish complicity in the Holocaust”. (p. 108). No wonder that many Jews are fighting so hard to keep the truth suppressed! The idea is to create an atmosphere of international public opinion that blames Poland, in part or in whole, for the Holocaust, and which thereby influences the governments to pressure Poland to pay off the extortionists of the Holocaust Industry. (p. 143).


Heirless property escheats to the state. That is the law, which the Holocaust Industry is attempting to subvert. Szewach Weiss, a so-called friend of Poland, has declared that, “whatever belonged to the Jewish tribe must return to the Jewish tribe.” (p. 151). So the Jews now want retroactively-acting tribal rights.

With regards to the Terezin Declaration, it does not matter that the Poles did not “sign anything”. The Jews tell us that Poles are obligated to pay, and the Jews are the ones that control the narrative. (p. 164-165). What will the world believe?

Sumlinski and Jerzy Kwasniewski remind us that it does not matter that Poland is legally in the right. If enough of the world’s communities can be persuaded that Poles were virtual Nazis, and that they owe big money to the Jews, then the Poles must pay. (pp. 230-231).


Tusk had made many statements expressing sympathy with paying off the Holocaust Industry. (e. g, p. 144, pp. 152-159, 176-on). That was 10-15 years ago. But with Tusk returning to Polish politics, his attitudes should be remembered.

Prominent Polish Jew Boleslaw Szenicer Condemns Jewish Lies and Exposes the Holocaust Industry. Donald Tusk. Calls Schudrich on Suppressed Jedwabne Exhumation. Exploiting Dead Jews. Sumlinski and Budzynski

Reviews of Sumlinski’s two earlier books in the POWROT DO JEDWABNEGO series:

Eyewitness Affirm German Guilt for Jedwabne

Holocaust Industry Trickery. Terezin Declaration Unseen Danger. Censored Investigative Journalist Author

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