July 26, 2024
Book Reviews Poles Under Communism

Double Genocide Valid: Soviet Communism Was as Murderous as German Nazism

Double Genocide Valid (Red=Brown):
Soviet Communism as Murderous as German Nazism
(28 Books Reviewed by Jan Peczkis)


  • Organized Efforts to Suppress the Recognition of Communist Crimes As Equals To Nazi Crimes.
  • Communism Also Did Genocide. Example: Katyn Was Genocide.
  • Nazi Genocide and Communist Classicide are Equally Significant.
  • Nazi Death Camps Had 100% Mortality. So What? Some Gulags Also Had 100% Mortality.
  • The Lingering Implications of Communism, Including Cultural Marxism.

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Jan Peczkis

Published with the author’s permission.



To see all of Jan Peczkis’ reviews, see:


The title image: Photo of the two presidents [President of Estonia Toomas Hendrik Ilves and German President Joachim Gauck] with red-brown-equals-sign backdrop at the Museum of the Occupation in Central Tallinn. Source:
Postimees (Foto: Erik Peinar). July 9, 2013.



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Jan Peczkis

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