January 20, 2025
Current Issues

Detailed Bulletin: Polocaust and Holocaust Were Twins, Not Opposites

  • Polokaust and Holocaust Antecedents: To the Germans, Jews were a long-term problem (JUDENFRAGE). So were the Poles (POLENFRAGE)(Butler 1919, p. 85).
  • Impending Polonocide: Hitler considered the Poles to be racially beneath even the Africans (Eberle and Uhl 2005, pp. 47-48; Olusoga 2010, p. 119; Rutherford 2007, p. 244).
  • In addition, Hitler (1939, p. 590) rejected the idea that a Pole could ever be transformed into a German. What the Germans later sometimes did was a re-Germanization of certain Polonized Germans (Volksdeutsche), which they called a “recovery of German blood” (Wolf 2020, p. 216).
  • As soon as Hitler came to power in 1933, not only German Jews faced immediate persecution. So did German Poles (Cyganski 1976; Majer 2003, p. 174). Jews and Poles alike got the death penalty for having sexual relations with Germans (Gellately 1990, p. 260).
  • In 1940, Goebbels declared that Poles, Gypsies, and Jews should be placed on the same level (Polish Ministry of Information 1942, pp. 433-434). That year, top Nazi Robert Ley said the same about Poles and Jews (Gross 1945, p. 204).
  • Polokaust and Holocaust: The Germans had a utilitarian view of Polish lives just as they had a utilitarian view of Jewish lives. To Hitler and other top Nazis, the Poles had a right to live only as long as they were laboring for the Germans (Eberle and Uhl 2005, p. 102).
  • The Third Reich regarded not only Jews as existential enemies. Leading Nazi organizations taught that Poles were the greatest danger to Germany alongside the Jews (Herbert 1997, p. 69), and that there was no such thing as a decent Pole just as there is no such thing as a decent Jew (ibid, p. 77).
  • Jews were scapegoats! That is all we ever hear. In actuality, the Germans made scapegoats of Poles no less than Jews. Shortly before attacking Poland, Wundt told Keitel that Poland always had the secret intention of harming Germany (USA 1946, Vol. 1, p. 391). Once again, Poles were existential enemies.
  • This was no fluke. Both Hitler (1942, p. 215, 318, 368) and Goebbels (1978, p. 274) persistently insisted that Poland, and not only the Jews, was fully responsible for causing WWII.
  • Goebbels (1948, p. 197) personally scapegoated the Poles as being the ones behind the German panic that followed the devastating RAF raid on Rostock.
  • The scapegoating of Poles was systematic and ongoing. Half of Polish forced laborers in Germany were supposed to be spies (Kruk 1973, p. 108). Polish laborers were widely blamed for Allied air raid successes, black market operations, and sabotage (Homze 1967, p. 250).
  • Polonocide, Polokaust and Holocaust: We hear that, during the Occupation, Jews were targeted solely because they were Jews while Poles were targeted because “it was war” or because they broke a German rule. Racist nonsense! As with the Jews, Germans murdered Poles indiscriminately, with or without cause (Gumkowski 1961, p. 60; Mulley 2013, p. 58). Poles were murdered not for what they did, but for who they were!
  • Far from being just concerned about “Poles breaking rules” the Germans prioritized the murders of the Polish intelligentsia. It was clear genocidal intentionality (Jacobs 1992, p. 156). For this reason, Polish inmates had to keep secret the fact that they were doctors, lawyers, etc. (Le Chen 1971, pp. 201-202; Pilecki 2012, pp. 17-18; Pomian 1945, p. 46).
  • The targeted Polish intelligentsia was broadly defined. It was not only those with secondary education, but also priests, teachers, businessmen, landowners, writers, journalists, etc. (Szymanski 1973, pp. 29-30).
  • German “antipartisan warfare” was itself genocidal. The Germans did not just target suspected guerrillas or those suspected of aiding guerillas: The Germans indiscriminately and systematically murdered Polish villagers, including children (Anstett 2016, p. 71). The victims (Poles) were murdered collectively because they were Poles.
  • Polokaust and Holocaust: German tactics: Differences between the way the Germans treated Poles and Jews, during the Occupation, owed to tactical considerations. Why Jews in ghettos but not Poles? The Germans could not put Poles in ghettos because their limited mobility would have prevented them from growing crops for the German war effort (Majer 2003, pp. 252-253, 316).
  • German tactics: Unlike the case of Jews wearing the Star, the Germans would not force all Poles to wear the letter “P”. Such a move could backfire by creating a sense of solidarity among Poles (Fulbrook 2012, pp. 273-273).
  • German tactics: The starvation faced by Poles, during the German occupation, could have reduced essential war production totally to a halt. Attempts to terrify Polish workers into greater productivity failed, so the Germans were forced to soften their policies (Toensmeyer 2018, p. 37).
  • The customary Jewish-serving dichotomy between Nazi German “concentration camps” and “death camps,” is illusory and artificial. None other than Auschwitz Kommandant Hoess declared that there is no difference between slow death by starvation and quick death by poison gas (Hoess 1996, pp. 1068-1069).
  • Polokaust and Holocaust: Even if death in concentration camps was not the reputed 100% of death camps, it still came close for some groups of victims. Polish priests arriving in 1940 at Dachau had an 86% mortality rate (Malak 2012, p. 397). At Auschwitz, according to (Naumann 1966, pp. 91-92), all the pre-1944 inmates died except those that happened to have special jobs given them.
  • Jews in German concentration camps often were treated no worse than the Poles. For instance, Jews staffed the crematoria at Dachau, and got better rations than Poles (Malak 2012, 114-115, 125, 190, 192). At Mauthausen, the Germans allocated food rations according to inmate health, and not in accordance with the Jewishness or non-Jewishness of the inmate (Le Chene 1971, p. 93).
  • Polokaust and Holocaust: Poles and not only Jews were murdered upon arrival at various German camps, and without being registered (Le Chene 1971, p. 80; Czelny 1994, p. 130).
  • Gas chambers and Jews are mystically connected. They should not be. Poles were systematically gassed at Auschwitz (Siedlecki 1946, p. 14), at Dachau (Malak 2012, p. 263), at Mauthausen (Le Chene 1971, p. 85), at Treblinka (Wiernik 1944, p. 35), and at Sobibor (Leydesdoff 2017, p. 33x).
  • Murder is murder, regardless of how it is done. Many Zamosc children were taken to Auschwitz and murdered there through cardiac injections (Kozaczynska 2006, p. 21).
  • Polokaust and Holocaust: We keep hearing that Germans removed the gold fillings from the teeth of murdered Jews. They also did this to murdered Poles (Le Chene 1971, p. 94; See also Eberle and Uhl 2005, pp. 164-165).
  • Scientific analysis proves that the Germans did make soap out of human fat—on a small scale–but from Poles rather than from Jews (Shallcross 2011)
  • Jews keep reminding us that “only” 10% of the Polish population was slain. Yes, “only” 10%. What a relief! This is as disrespectful as saying that “only” 33% of the world’s Jews died during the Holocaust.
  • Moreover, “only” 10% does not tell the full story. Fully 73% of postwar Polish youth report losing at least one close relative to the German aggressors (Gorski 1988, p. 437). And this does not touch on Polish cultural and material losses.
  • Polokaust and Holocaust: But why did the Germans kill “only” 10% of the Poles? It did not owe to Germans liking Poles more than Jews! It was utilitarian. The Germans feared a nationwide Polish revolt if they killed Poles on a larger scale (Giziowski 1996, pp. 92-93). In addition, the Germans needed a compliant Polish population to sustain a prolonged war effort (Poprzeczny 2015, p. 199; Wolf 2020, p. 284).
  • Beyond Polonocide: Nazi German exterminatory policies still applied to Poles no less than to Jews. For example, GENERALPLAN OST called for the eventual extermination of tens of millions of Poles and other Slavs (Ingrao 2019, p. 115).
  • In addition, the Germans had perfected mass sterilization methods for use on Poles and Russians (Jacobs 1992, p. 115), and had stockpiled enough Zyklon B gas, in the camps, to kill twenty million people (Penkower 1994, p. 292). No efforts were spared for the Polokaust and Holocaust.

Source: Jewsandpolesdatabase.org (this website)


Anstett. 2016. Destruction and Human Remains

Butler. 1919. The New Eastern Europe

Cyganski. 1976. Nazi persecution of the Polish national minorities…POLISH WESTERN AFFAIRS 17(12)115-138

Czelny. 1994. My journey from Auschwitz to Buckingham Palace

Eberle and Uhl. 2005. The Hitler Book

Fulbrook. 2012. A Small Town Near Auschwitz

Gellately. 1990. The Gestapo and German Society

Giziowski. 1996. The Enigma of General Blaskowitz

Goebbels. 1978. Final Entries 1945

Goebbels. 1948. The Goebbels Diaries 1942-1943

Gross. 1945. The Polish Worker

Gumkowski. 1961. Poland Under Nazi Occupation

Herbert. 1997. Hitler’s Foreign Workers

Hitler. 1939. Mein Kampf

Hitler. 1942. The Words of Hitler

Hoess. 1996. Death Dealer, pp. 1068, 1069

Homze. 1967. Foreign Labor in Nazi Germany

Ingrao. 2019. The Promise of the East

Jacobs. 1992. Raphael Lemkin’s Thoughts on Nazi Genocide

Kozaczynski. 2006. Losy Dzieci Zamojszczyzny Wysiedlonych

Kruk. 1973. The Taste of Fear

Le Chene. 1971. Mauthausen

Leydesdoff. 2017. Sasha Pechersky

Majer. 2003. “Non-Germans” and the Third Reich

Malak. 2012. Shavelings in Death Camps

Mulley. 2013. The Spy Who Loved

Olusoga. 2010. The Kaiser’s Holocaust

Penkower. 1994. Holocaust and Israel Reborn

Pilecki. 2012. Beyond Bravery

Polish Ministry of Information. 1942. The Black Book of Poland

Poprzeczny. 2015. Odilo Globocnik, p. 199

Rutherford. 2017. Prelude to the Final Solution

Shallcross. 2011. The Holocaust Object in Polish and Polish-Jewish Culture

Siedlecki. 1946. We Were in Auschwitz

Szymanski. 1973. Warsaw Aflame

Toensmeyer. 2018. Coping With Hunger and Shortage Under German Occupation in World War II

USA. 1946. Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression

Wiernik. 1944. A Year in Treblinka

Wolf. 2020. Ideology and the Rationality of Domination

Detailed Bulletin: The Pogrom: a Jewish Political Tool:


Big Bulletin on the Jews’ Holocaust and Its Lack of Specialness:


Big Bulletin on How Holocaust Promotion Suppresses Communist Crimes:


Big Bulletin on Holocaust Education Discriminating Against Other Genocides and Harming Poland:

Holocaust Education Forced on Old Poland (jewsandpolesdatabase.org)

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